
Dirty %!

The exhibitionSale% Tout doit disparaître! presents the evolution of advertising and consumer society through an astonishing selection of audiovisual archives. Exploring the origins of the term "advertising", which first appeared in French in 1829, the exhibition tells the story of how the phenomenon it defines has evolved from the written word to illustrative art (posters), from printed advertisements in the press to audiovisuals, all the while reflecting and, above all, influencing our fantasies, desires and needs.

The exhibition highlights the links between advertising and economic power. It explores communication techniques - written, iconographic, spoken and audiovisual - all deployed with a single goal in mind: selling.

Using posters, photographs, videos and sound documents from the Médiathèque Valais heritage collections, the exhibition retraces the history of the Valais region, highlighting the upheavals brought about by recent changes in consumer habits. Visitors are invited to discover this documentation, with a focus on advertising highlights from 1860 to the present day.

The exhibition also looks to the future, considering the potential consequences of continued over-consumption, fuelled by constant promotion.

A captivating experience that questions our relationship with advertising and consumption, delves into Valais society's past and unearths perspectives for a future that undoubtedly needs to be reoriented.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Date: 13.06.2024 - 22.03.2025 chaque lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi 13:00 - 18:00
Adresse Médiathèque Valais - Martigny
Localité 1920 Martigny
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Administration municipale de Martigny Secrétariat Général Hôtel de Ville 1 Case postale 176 CH-1920 Martigny Tél. : 027 721 21 11 Fax : 027 721 22 12 Contacter la ville de Martigny
Horaires d'ouverture du Greffe municipal
du lundi au vendredi
07h30 - 12h00
13h30 - 17h30
Merci de respecter les précautions sanitaires
Horaires d'ouverture de l'Accueil Citoyen
du lundi au vendredi
09h00 - 12h00
15h00 - 18h30
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